Maharashtra Land Revenue Code 1966 In Marathi Pdf Free Download

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State of Maharashtra Vs. Official Liquidator of Reliance Heat Transfer ..

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Maharashtra Land Revenue Code 1966 In Marathi Pdf Free Download

Decided on : Feb-17-2004

Maharashtra Land Revenue Code 1966 In Marathi Pdf Free Download

Maharashtra Land Revenue Code 1966 In Marathi Pdf Free Download Windows 7

Reported in : [2004]120CompCas648(Bom); (2004)2CompLJ317(Bom); [2004]53SCL158(Bom)

... sales tax act. if that is so, for recovery of dues even under this act, if it were to be treated as arrears of landrevenue by virtue of section 169(1) of the maharashtralandrevenuecode, the state of maharashtra will have 'paramount charge' over the assets of the company in liquidation. moreover, it is possible to take the view that the provisions ... contend that the said provisions would only postulate that the dues arising under the said act can be recovered as arrears of landrevenue--no more and no less. this argument clearly overlooks the statutory provision-- section 169 of the maharashtralandrevenuecode, 1966. the said section 169 reads thus :'169. claims of state government to have precedence over all others.--(1) the ... recoverable from any dealer or other person by or under the provisions of this act, as arrears of landrevenue,-- (i) the commissioner of sales tax shall have and exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the commissioner under the maharashtralandrevenuecode, 1966 ;(ii) the additional commissioner of sales tax shall have and exercise all the powers and ... arrears of landrevenue due on account of land shall be a paramount charge on the land and on every part thereof and shall have precedence over any other debt ...

Maharashtra Land Revenue Code 1966 In Marathi Pdf Free Download Version

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(1) The Talathi shall enter in a register of mutations every report made to him under section 149 or any intimation of acquisition or transfer under section 154 or from any Collector.
(2), Whenever a Talathi makes an entry in the register of mutations, he shall at the same time post up a complete copy of the entry in a conspicuous place in the Chavdi, and shall give written intimation to all persons appearing from the record of rights or register of mutations to be interested in the mutation, and to any other person whom he has reason to believe to be interested therein.
(3) When any objection to any entry made under sub-section (1) in the register of mutations is made either orally or in writing to the Talathi, it shall be the duty of the Talathi to enter the particulars the objections in a register of disputed cases. The Talathi shall at once give a written acknowledgement for the objection to the person making it in the prescribed form.
(4) Disputes entered in the register of disputed cases shall as far as possible be disposed of within one year by a revenue or survey officer not below the rank of an Aval Karkun and orders disposing of objections entered in such register shall be recorded in the register of mutations by such officer in such manner as may be prescribed by rules made by the State Government in this behalf.
(5) The transfer of entries from the register of mutations to the record of rights shall be effected object to such rules as may be made by the State Government in this behalf:
Provided that, an entry in the register of mutations shall not be transferred to the record of rights till such entry has been duly certified.
(6) Entries in the register of mutations shall be tested and if found correct, or after correction, the case may be, shall be certified by any revenue or survey officer not below the rank of an Aval karkun in such manner as may be prescribed:
1[Provided that, entries in respect of which there is no dispute may be tested and certified by circle Inspector:
2[Provided further that] no such entries shall be certified unless notice in that behalf is served on the parties concerned.
(7) The State Government may direct that a register of tenancies shall be maintained in such manner and under such procedure as may be prescribed by rules made by the State Government in this behalf.
1. This proviso was inserted by Mah.8 of 1969, S.5(a).
2. These words were substituted for the words 'provided that' ibid., S. 5(b)

Maharashtra Land Revenue Manual (Vol. III) Page 7 (iv) A weekly abstract of work-sheet in Form VI-A should be prepared.

  1. 18.Land records: records maintained under the provisions of this code. Record of rights, survey records, village records, maps etc. Land revenue: all sums & payments, in money received or legally claimable by the State Govt. From any person on account of any land or interest in or right over the land held by him.
  2. Ashok Grover & Company's Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966 (MLRC) Part - V in Marathi by Adv. About the book: This book contains the Maharashtra Land Revenue Code,1966 (MLRC) Part -V i.