Download Fabfilter Saturn 1.0.1 VST VST3 RTAS X86 Free

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Factory Presets

Download Fabfilter Saturn 1.0.1 Vst Vst3 Rtas X86 Free Music

All FabFilter factory presets
This ZIP file contains the factory presets for all FabFilter plug-ins, making it easy to restore them in case you need to manually install the factory presets.

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  • Free Download 100% CLEAN report. FabFilter Saturn is a VST audio plugin that was designed to help advanced computer users such as sound engineers or music producers enhance their projects.

macOS 32-bit installer

Currently, our macOS installers do not include 32-bit plug-ins. If you need to use the 32-bit versions of our plug-ins, you can use this legacy Total Bundle installer. This installer will not be updated for new plug-ins in the future. New users should download the latest plug-ins from the main Download page instead.

FabFilter Total Bundle (both 32-bit and 64-bit) for macOS 10.8 and higher (Intel only)
This installer contains FabFilter Micro 1.20, One 3.31, Pro-C 2.08, Pro-DS 1.12, Pro-G 1.22, Pro-L 2.03, Pro-MB 1.19, Pro-Q 3.11, Pro-R 1.06, Saturn 1.20, Simplon 1.30, Timeless 2.30, Twin 2.30 and Volcano 2.30.

RTAS / Mac OS X 10.6.8 installers

Download Fabfilter Saturn 1.0.1 Vst Vst3 Rtas X86 Free Download

If you need to use our plug-ins on a 10.6 or 10.7 system, or if you need plug-ins in RTAS format, you can use these legacy Total Bundle installers. These installers will not be updated for new plug-ins in the future. New users should download the latest plug-ins from the main Download page instead.

FabFilter Total Bundle for Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Intel only, including RTAS)
FabFilter Total Bundle for Windows (32-bit, including RTAS)
These installers contain FabFilter Micro 1.18, One 3.29, Pro-C 2.06, Pro-DS 1.10, Pro-G 1.20, Pro-L 2.01, Pro-MB 1.17, Pro-Q 2.12, Pro-R 1.04, Saturn 1.18, Simplon 1.28, Timeless 2.28, Twin 2.28 and Volcano 2.28.

Mac OS X 10.5 / 10.4 / PowerPC installers

If you need to use our plug-ins on a PowerPC, 10.4, or 10.5 system, you can use these legacy Total Bundle installers. These installers will not be updated for new plug-ins in the future. New users should download the latest plug-ins from the main Download page instead.

FabFilter Total Bundle for Mac OS X 10.5 (Intel only, including RTAS)
This installer contains FabFilter Pro-Q 2.03, Pro-C 2.00, Pro-L 1.13, Pro-MB 1.11, Pro-DS 1.04, Pro-G 1.13, Saturn 1.13, Timeless 2.23, Volcano 2.23, Twin 2.23, Micro 1.13, One 3.23 and Simplon 1.23.

FabFilter Total Bundle for Mac OS X 10.4 / PowerPC (including RTAS)
This installer contains FabFilter Pro-L 1.05, Pro-Q 1.13, Pro-G 1.05, Pro-C 1.17, Saturn 1.01,Timeless 2.13, Volcano 2.14, Twin 2.14, Micro 1.05, One 3.15 and Simplon 1.14.

Novation Nocturn Automaps

Pro-Q and Pro-G Nocturn automaps for VST and RTAS
This ZIP file contains Novation Nocturn automaps contributed by Enrique Silveti.

FabFilter Twin 2 Extras

Twin 2 factory presets as KORE2 sounds
This ZIP file contains the Twin 2 factory presets as KORE sounds, contributed by Losan.

FabFilter Timeless 2 Extras

Timeless 2 factory presets as KORE2 patches
This ZIP file contains the Timeless 2 factory presets as KORE sounds, contributed by Losan.

FabFilter Volcano Extras

FabFilter Volcano Controller templates
Contains two patches for the Novation Remote 25 so you can use it to control FabFilter Volcano 1. See Readme.txt for installation details. Contributed by kraftF.

FabFilter One Extras

FabFilter One extra presets
Contributed by Laurent Vandiedonck and Lars Früauff. Simply extract in your presets folder to create a new Extra category.

FabFilter One PatchArena presets
Entries of the PatchArena FabFilter One competition, contributed by Whoomph, John Does, Machomaus, MoonDive, Relayer, Softegg, TC and Torben Hansen.

FabFilter One Controller templates
Contains a patch for the Novation Remote 25 and a scene template for the Korg MicroKontrol so you can use these devices to control FabFilter One. Contributed by kraftF (Novation Remote 25) and Phaseshifter (Korg MicroKontrol).

FabFilter Saturn v1.0.1 VST VST3 RTAS x86
A crush on music
Distortion and saturation play a very important role in music production. From subtle, clean and warm tube or tape saturation to the wildest multi-band guitar amp effects: FabFilter Saturn delivers!
Warmth, harmonics, color and dynamics
FabFilter Saturn offers a range of different high quality distortion models, inspired by the vintage sound of tubes, tape and guitar amps. In addition, you also get three creative distortion styles, with which you can smudge, stretch, crush, rectify and clip your sounds in weird and unexpected ways.
With its multi-band design and per-band feedback, dynamics, drive, tone and modulation options, Saturn will bring a unique flavor to your music.
Bring your sounds to life
Using Saturn's extensive modulation section, you can really bring life and depth to your music. By applying subtle modulation to crossover frequencies, dynamics, band levels or tone controls, great warmth and definition can be achieved.
With all the XLFOs, EGs, XY controllers, envelope followers and MIDI sources you will ever need, you get practically unlimited modulation possibilities. Creating new modulation connections could not be easier: just drag and drop.
FabFilter goodies
Finally, FabFilter Saturn contains all the usual FabFilter goodies: perfectly tuned knobs, MIDI Learn, Smart Parameter Interpolation for smooth parameter transitions, extensive help with interactive help hints, AltiVec and SSE optimization, and much more!
Key features:
•Sixteen different distortion styles, from subtle saturation to heavy guitar amps and bit crushing
•Multi-band processing (up to 6 bands)
•Per-band drive, mix, feedback, dynamics, tone and level controls
•Optional HQ mode (8x oversampling)
•Mid/side processing
•Over 150 presets
•Interactive multi-band display
•Easy-to-use interface, using our innovative what-you-use-is-what-you-see concept
•Endless modulation options, with all the 16-step XLFOs, XY controllers, envelope generators, envelope followers and MIDI sources you will ever need.
•Normal and wide interface layouts, with an option to show or hide the modulation section at the bottom.
•Easy drag-and-drop modulation with 50-slot modulation matrix.
•Modulation source signal visualization
•Interactive MIDI Learn
•Unique per-component presets
•Smart Parameter Interpolation
•Extensive help file with interactive help hints
•Undo, redo and A/B switch features

Whats New:
Added solo/mute buttons to the interactive band display that let you easily listen to specific bands only.
Click a solo or mute button to toggle solo or mute mode.
Alternatively, hold down a button to solo or mute temporarily while the mouse is down. Ctrl-click (Windows) or Cmd-click (Mac) a button to solo or mute the band exclusively.
Fixed incorrect interpretation of parameter values that are typed in the host (e.g. for automation points) in the VST 2 and VST 3 plug-ins.
Fixed a bug in the VST 2 plug-in that could cause automation of band crossovers to work incorrectly after inserting a new band.
Fixed a couple of errors in the help file.


32-bit: Windows 7, Vista or XP
• Next open the FS101x86.rar file by double clicking it. If you can't open it you need to get an archiver which supports rar files such as Winrar.
• Click on extract and then run the setup to install.
• For the VST2 copy patched dll to your VST folder
For the VST3 one copy to Program files/Common Files/VST3/
For the RTAS one copy to Program files/Common Files/Digidesign/DAE/Plug-Ins

• That's it! Done.